Wednesday, September 7, 2016

#TeamPaul on Reformation Sights

Today, we hear from Paul, cornerstone of the bass section in both Canto Armonico and also back at First Lutheran on Berkeley Street. I (Lucy here) have had the pleasure of singing with Paul off and on for almost five years, and we are looking forward to being a part of the wedding ceremony of our dear friend Anya in the coming weeks out in Colorado. But for now, Paul will lecture on all things Reformation!

(Paul begins): So being the resident confessional Lutheran supernerd, going to Germany has been a blast.  While we have not been to major Reformation sites we have seen several Lutheran churches.  However, the following find took me by surprise.

So picture this, I'm walking through Corvey Abbey enjoying the marvelous sights (including the unexpectedly ornate chapel) when I see a wall of former abbots.  Naturally I went through looking at each one when I stumbled across these two.

The descriptions in Latin are at the top of the blog.  However from my basic understanding the first abbot contended against Lutheran doctrine spreading through the area.  The second man ends up dealing with clergy and laity signing the Augsburg Confession.  So even here in Corvey in an somewhat unexpected place the impact of the Reformation is seen.

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