Friday, September 8, 2017

Wrapping it up

Prince Matthew, Princess Julia, and their castle
       Amazing how things come together.  We were practically sight reading much of this music, and the line between rehearsal and recording became blurred.  However, we have stellar readers in the group as well as people skilled in the style.  Hopefully flying off the cuff will give the recordings a fresh, spontaneous quality, which I see as the soul of this music.

Recording with Ulf Wellner and Christopher Greenleaf

         We enjoyed working with Ulf, who keeps a slow, methodical pace all day with several different projects.  Christopher Greenleaf is extremely fastidious and makes me think of a musical James Lipton.  The pastor of the church was kind enough to show us the bell tower and lecture us on the church's 1000 year history (half Catholic, half Lutheran).  And of course Cheryl Ryder was the one who brought us all together, and was clearly overjoyed to be making music with us.

View from the bell tower of Martinikirche

     I'm trying to think how I would describe a Lutheran style of singing--perhaps homely, spontaneous and spirited, music of the people.  Even the music of Bach, which the average person can't sing, seems to speak to the average person in their own language. 

Impromptu rehearsal outside the church

     Yesterday we returned home, inspired to keep singing in German and to pursue authenticity, and also to keep new and old friendships alive.  Please feel free to share your thoughts about this trip in the comments.  Until next year, Auf Wiedersehen!

Our last celebratory dinner.  What better way to celebrate? #enchilicious

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